A Guide To Make Your Child Fall In Love With Math

A Guide To Make Your Child Fall In Love With Math

It is not uncommon to say that most of the kids hate numbers. It may even get worse in the future life that they can even have numerophobia. As all are aware, Math is a major subject that not only makes your child more intelligent but also teaches the necessary analytical skills they need in their life.

Teaching your child to be comfortable with numbers is really important to improve their performance at school and open up new opportunities for learning for them. Either you can opt for some special Math Tutoring Services or start teaching your child at home with some quick tips from the experts.

Quick Tips To Help Your Child Love Math

To all parents who want to help their child embark upon the fear of Math, you need to start teaching them even if they are toddlers. The early they start, the more they’ll learn.

Here are some quick tips that will help you make your child love math:

  1. Play Math Games

Math is not just about the numbers; it’s more about logic, spaces, and amounts. Playing math games with your child boosts skills to create a sense of these concepts. Luckily, you can find math games easily. Whether you choose a shape sorter for your toddler, a math game for K-2 or some advanced math game for the older kids, games, and puzzles are a great way to stretch the fear of math out of their heads and make them enjoy it.  

A few popular math games are:

  • IQ Fit

  • Math-Link Cubes

  • Math Dice

  • Klikko Vehicles

  • Kanoodle

  • IQ Challenge Set

  • Brain Builders

  1. Try Fun Math Investigations

When we only focus on math at the homework time, not in the regular discussions, there’s no wonder that the kids will get irritable about it. So, do some fun math investigations with your younger kids. Buy them a Lego’s and card game sets. And if you have older kids, try some fun brain teasers at your family discussions.

  1. Ask Thoughtful Math Questions

Not stick to the homework time, you can randomly ask them some thoughtful tricky questions that can make them think out of the way. When on the walk, traveling, or just chilling in the garden, turn your head around and find a question, for example, how many birds flying over you, the total amount of stuff you bought at the shop, etc. Not only you; let them ask you more questions.

  1. Encourage Reading Math Books

Reading is the easiest and the most important tip on the list. Encourage the reading habits in them. It’s wonderful that you can find hundreds of picture books in the market that support early and advanced math learning. Accompany them at the beginning of the book, help them to recognize different shapes and pictures, and teach them how to read it.

  1. Focus on Logic

When parents check their child’s work, they focus on the wrong answers more than anything. But correcting the mistakes can help your child find the right answers. It is not really important at this point whether the answer is right or wrong. In spite of it, help your child to make one or two strategies to obtain the right answer.

If your kid is also struggling with numbers, try these above-described tips at home, or you can enroll your child with Private Tutoring Services in Surrey, BC. Discuss your child’s study plan with expert tutors now!

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